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Армянский юмор Гево – Watch videos online on My World.

Армянский юмор Гево – Watch videos online on My World. ","link": "","link_loading": "","error": "","file_upload_container": "","edit": "Video uploaded!Now the video must be processed. This can take anywhere from several minutes to an hour. Link to the video: "},"albums": {"singleSelect": false},"item": {"templates": {"main": ""}},"locales": {"errorLoadAjax": "An error occurred. 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If you copy a video to a group, the group's privacy settings will be applied to it.","empty": "The selected album is empty","submit": "Add","cancel": "Cancel","privateAll": "You have no videos for public view. You can change the access rights in the albums settings."},"item": {"createItemError":"Error creating video.","hide":"Hide","more":"Learn more","defaultAlbumName": "No name","confirmYes":"Yes","confirmNo":"No","confirmText":"Do you want to stop the upload?"}}},"photoUploadOptions": {"width": "665","uploadUrl": "https://upload-##n##.my.mail.ru/uploadphoto","hostCount": 15,"queueSize": 15,"previewQueueSize": 1,"limit": 5000,"rotateTimeout": 1500,"maxRetry": 5,"albumId": "3277","limitSize": 15,"locales": {"popup": {"header": "Adding photo","close": "Close"},"dropArea": {"header": "Select a photo to upload","text": "or just drag them to this area","button": "From your computer","moveHere": "Drag file(s) here"},"links": {"albums": "From albums","network": "From the Internet","camera": "Webcam","add": "Add"},"status": {"from": "from"},"limit": {"header": " ","content": "Sorry, but we cannot upload more than 5000 photos at once. Do you want to add first 5000 from the selected photos?","close": "Close","yes": "Yes, add","no": "No"},"albums": {"title": "Album","upload": "Add","cancel": "Cancel","titles": {"user": "from your own","group": "from the group","channel": "from the channel"},"defaultAlbumName": "No name","form": {"title": "Album","empty": "The album is empty"}},"network": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","header": "Enter URL","remove": "Delete","add": "Add another link","errors": {"invalidExternalUrl": "Address is incorrect"}},"camera": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","button": "Snapshot","timeout": "With 5 seconds delay","cancelPhoto": "Cancel"},"edit": {"save": "Save","cancel": "Stop the upload","remove": "Delete","add": "Add a photo","saveNow": "Saving","showErrors": "Errors","empty": {"text": "Sorry, an error occurred while uploading your photo.","button": "Back"},"confirmStop": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Do you want to stop the upload?"},"confirmRemove": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Are you sure you want to delete all photos?"},"errors": {"header": "Failed to upload files","network": "invalid address","upload_error": "loading error","empty_file_size": "empty file","wrong_file_size": "file size is too large","too_many_files": "too many photos","wrong_image_format": "unsupported format","wrong_gif_image": "you can't upload animated pictures to the album "Photos of me""},"item": {"description": "Description","remove": "Delete","hide": "Close"}}}},"albums": {"photo": {"upload": {"width": "665","uploadUrl": "https://upload-##n##.my.mail.ru/uploadphoto","hostCount": 15,"queueSize": 15,"previewQueueSize": 1,"limit": 5000,"rotateTimeout": 1500,"maxRetry": 5,"albumId": "3277","limitSize": 15,"locales": {"popup": {"header": "Adding photo","close": "Close"},"dropArea": {"header": "Select a photo to upload","text": "or just drag them to this area","button": "From your computer","moveHere": "Drag file(s) here"},"links": {"albums": "From albums","network": "From the Internet","camera": "Webcam","add": "Add"},"status": {"from": "from"},"limit": {"header": " ","content": "Sorry, but we cannot upload more than 5000 photos at once. Do you want to add first 5000 from the selected photos?","close": "Close","yes": "Yes, add","no": "No"},"albums": {"title": "Album","upload": "Add","cancel": "Cancel","titles": {"user": "from your own","group": "from the group","channel": "from the channel"},"defaultAlbumName": "No name","form": {"title": "Album","empty": "The album is empty"}},"network": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","header": "Enter URL","remove": "Delete","add": "Add another link","errors": {"invalidExternalUrl": "Address is incorrect"}},"camera": {"upload": "Upload","cancel": "Cancel","button": "Snapshot","timeout": "With 5 seconds delay","cancelPhoto": "Cancel"},"edit": {"save": "Save","cancel": "Stop the upload","remove": "Delete","add": "Add a photo","saveNow": "Saving","showErrors": "Errors","empty": {"text": "Sorry, an error occurred while uploading your photo.","button": "Back"},"confirmStop": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Do you want to stop the upload?"},"confirmRemove": {"yes": "Yes","no": "No","text": "Are you sure you want to delete all photos?"},"errors": {"header": "Failed to upload files","network": "invalid address","upload_error": "loading error","empty_file_size": "empty file","wrong_file_size": "file size is too large","too_many_files": "too many photos","wrong_image_format": "unsupported format","wrong_gif_image": "you can't upload animated pictures to the album "Photos of me""},"item": {"description": "Description","remove": "Delete","hide": "Close"}}}},"albumId": "_channelpics"},"enableUploadCover": true,"locales": {"popup": {"closeText": "Close","createButton": "Create","saveButton": "Save","removeButton": "Delete the album","headerAdd": "New album","headerEdit": "Edit album"},"confirm": {"remove": "Delete album with all videos in it?","yes": "Yes","no": "No"},"main": {"titles": {"base": "General","access": "Access","sort": "Video order","cover": "Cover"}},"baseForm": {"titles": {"name": "Album title","url": "Title in the address","description": "Album description"},"errors": {"invalidId": "Latin letters, numbers, dashes, dots and underscore are allowed","unexpectedUnderscore": "The first character cannot be an underscore.","albumExists": "An album with the same URL already exists"},"charsetLeft": {"title": "remaining","text5": "characters","text1": "character","text2": "characters"}},"accessForm": {"titles": {"access": "Access to album","password": "Password","retypePassword": "Repeat password","comments": "Comments","canWrite": "Who can comment?","canRead": "Who can read comments?","votes": "Voting","vote": "Who can vote?","voteSee": "Voting results are visible to"},"items": {"all": "All users","onlyMe": "Only me","onlyFriends": "Only friends","byPassword": "Password","noBody": "Nobody"},"errors": {"differentPasswords": "Passwords
do not match","shortPassword": "The minimum password length is 4 characters","emptyPassword": "Enter password"}},"sortForm": {"hintForManualSwitch": "To set a custom order for the videos, select "Manual Sort"","hintForManualUse": "Drag videos with your cursor","titles": {"sort": "Sort"},"fields": {"exif": "by date taken (EXIF)","date": "By publication date","name": "By title","manual": "Manual Sort"},"order": {"asc": "In ascending order","desc": "In descending order"}},"coverForm": {"titleOfDefaultCover": "No cover","uploadCover": "Upload cover"}}},"videoItem": {"locales": {"popup": {"remove": "Delete video","title": "Edit video","close": "Close","save": "Save"},"edit": {"save": "Save video in album","title": "Title","description": "Description","album": "Album","adult": "Adult (18+)"},"tabs": {"main": "General","cover": "Cover"},"albums": {"defaultName": "No name"},"remove": {"text" : "Delete video?","ok" : "Yes","cancel" : "No"}}},"inviteOptions": {"header": "Select friends\n\n\n\n","containerClass": "choice-friends__friends","i18n": {"buttonOk": ["

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"],"buttonCancel": "Cancel","failEmpty": "You have no friends.","failmsg": "An internal error occurred. We are working on fixing this.","searchFailmsg": "No people found."}},"lang": "en_US","portalHead": {"siteZone": "2","loginPage": "https://my.mail.ru/video/","logoutPage": "https://my.mail.ru/video/","loginUrl": "https://my.mail.ru/cgi-bin/login?page=","version": "2"},"portalFooter": {"siteZone": "36"},"scrollDelta": 1000,"isMyDawnSearch": true,"showMemberCount": false,"showVideosCount": false,"isNewVideoPage": true,"isEnableSearchSuggest": true,"isEnableRecommedations": true,"pageCache": {"key": "","isEnabled": 1,"version": "1","expire": "3600000","stores": "music,video"},"locales": {"title": {"default": "Video Mail.Ru","main": "Video Mail.Ru","channels": "Channels","selections": "Collections","search": "Search videos","searchFriends": "Search in friends","recommendations": "Recommendations","friends": "Friends"},"subscribeButton": {"subscribe": "Subscribe","subscribed": "You are a subscriber","sendRequest": "Request submitted","forModerate": "Waiting for approval"},"friendshipButton": {"friendship": "Add friend","request": "Request submitted","subscribe": "You are a subscriber","acceptFriendship": "Accept","youFriends": "You are friends"},"emptyName": "No name","moreText": "Show more","hideBanner": "Hide","banner728x90": {"block": "Кажется, вы используете блокировщик рекламы. Вместе с рекламой он может отключать важные элементы сайта.
Добавьте наш сайт в исключения, и всё будет в порядке.","close": "Hide"},"weeksTop": "Топ недели","page": {"main": {"textLike": "понравилось","textAddVideo": "added a video","subcsribeTitle": "New in subscriptions","popularsTitle": "Popular channels","popularsLink": "All channels","selectionsTitle": "Collections","selectionsLink": "All collections"},"user": {"titleAlbum": "Albums","albumFilter": {"data": "By date added","name": "A to Z","special": "Special albums"},"titleVideo": "All videos","allAlbum": "All albums","albumMore": "Show more","wrongPassword": "Wrong password","onlyFollowersChannel": "The channel is only available to subscribers","onlyAuthorizedChannel": "This channel is only available to registered users","followAndSeeChannel": "Subscribe and watch videos from the channel","authAndSeeChannel": "Log in and watch the channel videos","onlyFollowersCommunity": "This group is only available to subscribers","onlyAuthorizedCommunity": "Only authorized users can view this group","followAndSeeCommunity": "Subscribe and watch videos from the group","authAndSeeCommunity": "Log in and watch videos from the group","accessDenied": "Access restricted, user's videos are not available to you","accessDeniedChannel": "Access restricted, the channel is not available to you","accessDeniedCommunity": "Access restricted, the group is not available to you","emptyAlbum": "No videos in this album yet","emptyVideo": "No videos","access": {"byPassword": "Password access","inputPassword": "Enter the password to view this album","send": "Send","accessDenied": "Access denied","privateAlbum": "This is not a public album","accessForFriends": "Available to friends only","sendFriendship": "To view this album, send the user a friend request","sendFriendshipRequest": "You sent a friend request to the user. Please wait for confirmation so you can view this album"},"suspendedChannelTitle": "The channel is blocked by the Administration","suspendedChannelText": "To restore access rights, the channel administrator must personally contact Support","suspendedChannelTitleAdmin": "You channel was blocked by the Administration","suspendedChannelTextAdmin": "If you have not used your channel for fraud or distribution of content violating the Terms of Use,
or Channel posting requirements, please contact Support.
Once it is confirmed that you have not committed a violation, your access to the channel will be restored.","suspendedCommunityTitle": "You group was blocked by the website's administration.","suspendedCommunityText": "To restore access rights, the group administrator must personally contact Support.","suspendedCommunityTitleAdmin": "Your group was blocked by the website's administration.","suspendedCommunityTextAdmin": "If you have not used your group for fraud or distribution of content violating the Terms of Use,
or Group posting requirements, please contact Support.
Once it is confirmed that you have not committed a violation, your access to the group will be restored.","deletedChannel": "Group was deleted by creator","deletedCommunity": "Channel was deleted by creator","showFull": "Показать полностью"},"friends": {"video": "videos"},"channels": {"recommendedTitle": "We recommend","categoryAll": "All channels","seeNow": "Watch now","friendsSubscribe": "subscribed","allVideo": "All videos"},"best": {"title": "Collections"},"search": {"empty": "Your search returned no results"},"item": {"addedToMe": "Video added","promo": {"film": {"header": "Новинки кино"},"serial": {"header": "Популярные сериалы"},"mult": {"header": "Популярные мультфильмы"},"yandex": {"header": "Видео по запросу"}},"empty": "Нет видео доступных для просмотра","createAlbumTitle": "Create new album","createAlbumPlaceholder": "Title","createAlbumSend": "Create","userDeleted": "User deleted"}},"profile": {"mobile": "Online on mobile","online": "Online","menu": {"video": "Video","subscriptions": "Channels","subscribers": "Subscribers","friends": "Friends","recommendations": "Recommendations"},"cover": {"save": "Save","edit": "Edit","remove": "Delete","cancel": "Cancel","canMove": "You can move the cover"},"actions": {"upload": "Add video","createAlbum": "Create an album","editAlbum": "Edit album","inviteFriends": "Invite friends"},"moreAction": {"complaint": "Report","removeFriend": "Defriend","removeChannel": "Leave channel","removeCommunity": "Leave group","setting": "Settings","statistic": "Statistics","editCover": "Edit cover"},"successAction": {"complaint": "Complaint submitted"},"confirmAction": {"removeFriend": {"text": "Are you sure you want
to unfriend the user?","ok": "Defriend","cancel": "Cancel"},"removeChannel": {"text" : "After leaving you will not be able
to follow the channel updates.","ok": "Leave channel","cancel": "Cancel"},"removeCommunity": {"text" : "After leaving you will not be able
to follow updates in the group.","ok": "Leave group","cancel": "Cancel"}}},"rightSuggest": {"related": "Похожее","other": "Другое видео автора","nextVideo": "Следующее видео","nextVideoAuto": "Автоматически"}}} 19.7 K •  18.04.2010 1.3 K •  18.04.2010

анекдоты свежие :: 19 июля 1997

На необъятных просторах между Жмеринкой и Конотопом стоит
на платформе Рабинович и ждет поезда, чтобы поехать в Жмеринку
и провернуть там хорошенькое дельце. И вдруг он видит, как
к нему приближается Хаймович.
``Ну вот, - думает Рабинович, - сейчас подойдет и спросит: А куда
вы, Рабинович, собственно едете? И если я ему скажу, что я еду в
Конотоп, он точно поймет, что я еду в Жмеринку и испортит мне все
Тут подходит Хаймович и спрашивает:
- А куда вы, Рабинович, собственно едете?
Рабинович отвечает:
- Я еду в Жмеринку.
Хаймович хитро прищуривается и говорит:
- Послушайте, Рабинович! Я точно знаю, что вы едете в Жмеринку!
Так зачем же вы меня обманываете?!!

Идут Владимир Ильич с Феликсом Эдмундовичем по Красной площади.
- Фе-икс Эдмундович! Вот вы истиный гы-царь гево-юции.., а можете
именем гево-юции стгельнуть ...вон того габочего в кепочке?
Ф.Э., не задумываясь, тянется к кобуре и расстегивает ее.
- Хоошо! А ...вон ту дамочку в шляпочке?
Ф.Э. достает маузер и прицеливается.
Ленин, придерживая его за руку:
- Оч-чень хо-ошо! А вон того инт-еегентика в пенсне?
Ф.Э. прицеливается и стреляеет два раза.
- Фе-икс Эдмундович!Ф е-икс Эдмундович! Смот-гите, смот-гите,

Два сотрудника КГБ едут в купе и рассказывают друг другу
политические анекдоты.
Первый: - Погоди, я переверну кассету.
Второй: - Да ладно, потом у меня перепишешь.

Стоит мужик с бодуна перед зеркалом и рассматривает себя.
Затем говорит (с гордостью):
- Все люди как люди. А я - красив как Бог!

Один юзер другому:
- Я себе счетчик на мышь поставил. Теперь я знаю, что моя мышь
пробежала 1138 метров.

Мужик видит, как его соседка по лестничной клетке, как только
муж уезжает на охоту, ведет себя безобразно, любовники
не успевают сменять друг друга. Смотрит, она всех выпроводила,
муж входит в подъезд, а мужичку рассказать обо всем не терпится,
через 5 минут после приезда мужа он ломится в квартиру, смотрит:
муж прибивает на стенку роскошные оленьи рога.
А мужик так разочарованно: ``Ну вот, вы уже все знаете....``

Мужик звонит в полицию.
- У меня во дворе двое из партии ``Маарах`` (неважно, что
за партия) занимаются онанизмом. У меня дети маленькие,
а тут такое непотребство.
- ОК, сейчас приедем арестовать их. А откуда ты знаешь,
что они из ``Маараха``?
- Так ведь ликудники (правящая партия) трахали бы друг друга...

Купили нарики драпа, закинулись в парадняк, начали
приколачивать, вдруг из квартиры выходит бабка и говорит:
- Ребята, это же яд!
А нарики:
- Дай-то бог, бабушка, дай-то бог!

Сидят три престарелые английские леди на опушке леса
и занимаются вязанием. Тут из леса выскакивает горилла,
хватает одну из женщин и утаскивает ее в лес.
Оставшиеся продолжают заниматься вязанием.
Через полчаса одна из оставшихся:
- И что он в ней нашел?

Два таракана роются в мусорном бачке. Один другому говорит:
- Забегал вчера в ресторан - чистота, порядок, нигде ни крошки,
ни соринки...
- Hу что ты гадости за столом говоришь! Дай хоть поесть спокойно.

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